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Golden Rules of Debit and Credit


Debits and credits are the opposing sides of an accounting journal entry. They are used to change the ending balances in the general ledger accounts.


An entry recording a sum owed, listed on the left-hand side or column of an account is debit. What ever that is owned is called debit.


Credit means receiving something of value now and promising to pay for it later, often with a finance charge added by the lender. In simple language credit means a loan.

Rules of Debit and Credit on the basis of Nature of Account:

1) Personal Account:

Accounts related to any person or organization like Ram, Luise, Nepal Bank Ltd A/c, Himalayan Co. Ltds. A/c, etc. are personal account.
The rules of debit and credit under personal account is;

Debit the receiver
Credit the giver

Example 1. : Cash paid to Hangsha Rs. 4500.
Here, Hari is a receiver and he is debited.

Journal Entry
Date Particular L/F Dr. Amount Cr. Amount
Hangsha A/c (Dr.) 4500
To Cash A/c (Cr.)
(being cash paid to Hari)

2) Real Account:

Real accounts are related to assets or properties of the business. Machinery A/c, Bank and Cash A/c, Goods A/c, are some examples of real account.

Debit What comes in
Credit What goes out

Example 2. : Goods purchased for cash Rs. 2000.
Here, Goods comes in so it is debited where as cash goes out so it is credited.

Journal Entry
Date Particular L/F Dr. Amount Cr. Amount
Goods A/c (Dr.) 2000
To Cash A/c (Cr.)
(Being goods purchased in cash)

3) Nominal Account:

Those accounts which are related to losses, profits, expenses and incomes are called Nominal account. Wages A/c, Salary A/c, Discount A/c, Purchase A/c, Commission A/c, etc are some examples of nominal account.

Debit all expenses and losses.
Credit all incomes and gains.

Example 3. : Salary paid Rs. 15000.

Here, Salary  and Cash are two aspect of the transaction. Salary is nominal account and it must be debited since it is an expense. 
Cash is a real account and should be credited because it has gone out from the business.

Journal Entry
Date Particular L/F Dr. Amount Cr. Amount
Salary A/c (Dr.) 15000
To Cash A/c (Cr.)
(Being salary paid.)

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