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Traditional System of Filing

Q1) Introduce traditional filing and explore differences between misil system and box filing.
Ans: The filing system based on traditional and old fashioned mostly used by small or government offices still in our country is called traditional filing method.

The following are the differences between Misil system and Box filing:
 Misil Filing
 Box Filing
 Documents are preserved in the pieces of clothes.
 Documents are preserved in a box having hinges. 
It is mostly used in government and administrative offices.
 It is used in all kinds of offices.
 Documents are not safe in this system.
 It ensures maximum protection to documents and papers.
 It is comparatively more economical than box filing.
 It is bit more expensive than misil filing.

Q2) What is misil filing? Show its merits and demerits.
Ans: The systematic way of keeping all the documents related to a particular case in a red piece of cloth especially in an administrative and court office is called misil filing. The documents are arranged in a chronological order.

Merits/Advantages of Misil Filing:
a) It is simple to understand and use.
b) It is easy to find because it is equipped with specific number.
c) It is economical because it does not need any special equipment.
d) It is flexible.

Demerits/Disadvantages Misil Filing:
a) It is unscientific and unsuitable for the offices other than court.
b) It consumes more time in punching and filing the document.
c) It is difficult and time consuming to locate the documents.
d) It is not a safe kind of filing because the files are kept on floor or in open drawers.

Q3) Define box filing. What are its merits and demerits?
Ans: The system of keeping documents of temporary nature in a special type of wooden or metal box and card board is called box filing system.

Merits/Advantages of Box Filing:
a) It is simple and economical.
b) The documents remain safe as the box can be locked.
c) The document gets less dust.
d) It consumes less space.

Demerits/Disadvantages of Box filing:
a) It is not used by modern organization.
b) It is less flexible.\
c) It is not appropriate for permanent documents and large organization.
d) It consumes more time in locating a documents.

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