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Method of Filing


Filing is done to keep the record safely and retrieve when necessary. There are different method to keep file. Some of them are discussed below;

1) What is Alphabetical Filing Method?

The process of arranging and classifying documents in a drawer or cabinet in order of alphabets on the basis of their names is called alphabetical filing. Alphabets are arranged as per the dictionary system in this method. For example; A, B, C, D, ....................Z alphabets in English.

Advantages of Alphabetical Filing Method:
a) It is simple and easy to operate.
b) There is no need for any separate indexing for this kind of filing.
c) It is economical.
d) It is flexible as the required additional documents can be added and the unnecessary files can be easily remove.
e) This system is very appropriate for small as well as big organizations.

Disadvantages of Alphabetical Filing Method:
a) It is difficult to arrange the documents whose of those person whose names are same.
b) Secrecy cannot be maintained as the name of person or organizations are written at the top and any person can access easily.
c) It is not suitable for large organization where documents and files are uncountable.
d) Chance of misfiling because of wrong spelling of words or names.

2) Numerical Filing Method:

The act or process of arranging the documents and letters of an individuals or organizations according to serial number is known as numerical filing method. The files are arranged in order of numbers i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...............for the identification of files.

Advantages of Numerical Filing Method:
a) It is flexible because numbers of documents can be added and deducted as per the need.
b) It is comparatively more confidential than alphabetical filing method.
c) Easy to arrange the files according to serial number.
d) Easy and prompt to locate the files because separate index is provided.
e) It is scientific and systematic method.

Disadvantages of Numerical Filing Method:
a) Expensive as compared to alphabetical method because it need separate index, drawers and trained staff is needed.
b) Time consuming because it takes more time to arrange and take out the file.
c)Unsuitable for small organizations.
d) It is more complex and difficult to understand.
e) Qualified staff having special knowledge of filing is required.

Difference between Alphabetical filing and Numerical filing method:

S.No Alphabetical Filing Method Numerical Filing Method
1 Files are arranged on the basis of alphabets. Files are arranged on the basis of numbers.
2 Low secrecy can be maintained. More secrecy can be maintained.
3 Name, address, phone numbers, etc are written on the face of the file. Only numbers is written on the face of the file.
4 It is economical. It is expensive than alphabetical method.
5 Staff with no special knowledge of filing also can maintain the files under this method. Staff with special knowledge of filing is required to arrange this type of filing method.

3) Geographical Filing Method:

The process of arranging and classifying documents and letters on the basis of the name of place like regions, districts, zones, cities, villages, and blocks is called geographical filing method.
The main geographical region is sub-divided into smaller places.

Advantages of Geographical Filing Method:
a) It is simple to understand and easy to handle.
b) Both alphabetical and numerical filing method can be adopt under this method.
c) Suitable for those offices which deals with several places.
d) It consumes less time in locating the required documents because of provisions of separate geographical guide.

Disadvantages of Geographical Filing Method:
a) It is an expensive method because a separate index is required.
b) It is difficult to locate the file of different people.
c) It needs trained and expert staff.
d) Less secrecy as the names of places are written on the files.

4) Subject Filing Method:

The process of arranging all the documents on the basis of a particular subject is called subject filing method. Under this system, documents are classified into different subjects and sub-subjects.

Advantages of subject filing method:
a) It is simple and easy to operate.
b) It is flexible as it has greater capacity of expansion.
c) It is easier to locate documents.
d) All the documents related to one subject can be available in one files.

Disadvantages of subject filing method:
a) It is very expensive.
b) Difficult to locate file when subjects are not mentioned.
c) It is not suitable to large organizations.
d) This method cannot be used for miscellaneous documents due to having no specific subject.

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