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Modern Filing System - Vertical and Horizontal Filing System

Q1) What is vertical filing system? List its advantages and disadvantages.
Ans: The way of keeping on files vertical or standing position in the support of each other is called vertical filing system.

Advantages of Vertical Filing System:
a) The document remain very safe as a special kind of folder and drawer is used.
b) It is very suitable for large organizations as large number of documents can be place in its folder.
c) It maintains secrecy.
d) It is flexible.
e) Easy to find out.

Disadvantages of Vertical Filing System:
a) Time consuming.
b) It is comparatively more costly as special kind of folders and drawers are needed.
c) Expert and experience personnel is required to maintain this type filing system.
d) It cannot be afforded by small organizations having limited sources.
e) Chance of missing paper as it is loosely kept.

Q2) What is Horizontal Filing System? What are its merits and demerits?
Ans: The system of filing where files are kept one upon another is a sleeping or horizontal or flat position is called Horizontal Filing System.
There are two methods of horizontal filing method;
i) Flat File
ii) Lever (Arch) File

Merits/Advantages of Horizontal Filing System:
a) It is easy to and understand and operate.
b) It is suitable for small as well as large organizations.
c) It consumes less space as files are kept one upon other.
d) It is more safety as documents are tied with lace.
e) It is economical.

Demerits/Disadvantages of Horizontal Filing System:
a) It is not flexible.
b) It need more time for punching, fastening and loosening the lace or clip.
c) Documents cannot be increase after certain limit.
d) Chance of getting the lost of evidence due to the possibility of disappearing words and figure while punching the documents.
e) Difficult to locate the required document or file quickly.

Q3) What are the difference between Horizontal and Vertical Filing System?
Ans: The following are the difference between horizontal and vertical filing system;

S.No Horizontal Filing System Vertical Filing System
1 Files are kept one upon other in a flat/horizontal position. Files are kept in a standing/vertical position.
2 It is suitable for both small and large organization. It is suitable for large organizations only.
3 Documents are kept in files by tying with lace or clips. Documents are kept in loose position.
4 It needs more space. It needs less space as compared with other.
5 It is not flexible. It is flexible.

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